Sullivans Cove HH0271 American Oak Tasmanian Single Malt Whisky 47.5% ABV 700ml

A bottle of Sullivans Cove HH0271 American Oak Tasmanian Single Malt Whisky with its original box.

It was distilled on 22/04/2000 and bottled on 25/03/2015. A single cask expression that yielded only 270 bottles.

PLEASE NOTE – the images provided of the products reflect their true condition and they will be sold as such. Carefully examine the images before buying. Remember, while some products are new, they can still have minor scuffs and marks, while others are older and have existing blemishes.

A bottle of Sullivans Cove HH0271 American Oak Tasmanian Single Malt Whisky with its original box.

It was distilled on 22/04/2000 and bottled on 25/03/2015. A single cask expression that yielded only 270 bottles. This is bottle #113/270

A older bottling of Sullivans Cove from the Highland Holdings era, that was a shade away from being a 15 year old whisky. Bottled at 47.5% abv and 700ml.